Replacement rubber tip kit includes:
- Mud Basket
- Rectangle foot
- Ball Foot
- Round end
Every NETrekk fishing net/wading staff comes complete with these four tips to change based on your hiking or wading conditions plus the permanent tungstun carbide tip. Each rubber replacement tip has a metal interior spacer to prevent the carbide tip from penetrating the rubber for a long life on the trail.
Replacement Rubber Tips
The mud basket is intended to be threaded on to the upper section of the NETrekk tip. All other tips are friction-fit by pushing them over the tungeten carbide tip. All tips can be used in conjunction with the mud basket when wading or trekking across a multi-condition surface or trail.
Push tips on firmly to prevent accidental loss.
Replacement tips are available on line and as part of the NETrekk Accessory Pak